Or I just happen to suck in doing these blog updates or something :PP I really need to get into the habit in doing these sorta shit ^^'
Anyways I'm sure y'all been wondering what's new with me since my last blog update. Well, here's what's been happening with ya favorite scenemo penguin :>
First thing to address:
How am I doing at my new job???
Suffice to say it's alright. I don't ACTUALLY hate it but sometimes when I'm with a specific manager (who somehow always puts me on edge) I may end up loathing working there. Unfortunately, what can you do?? ://
I need to make a little extra cash on the side anyways. Although, the bright side is that unlike my previous restaurant job, I was able to last for more than a month with this one so I consider that a W I suppose lol
Maybe this will age well within a year, maybe not ://
Who knows?? I just have to make sure I don't fuck up.
Second thing to address:
My art progress!!!
I will say that things are somewhat smoothly with how my art has progressed since the past year. Still no where near the level of proficiency that I want to be but at least I haven't given up yet haha!! ^^'
I do however, been getting into experimenting with my artstyle a bit if you guys have been noticing my recent uploads that I'm focusing on doing cel shading when doing my main artstyle as well as working towards a bit more of an anime style when drawing human or humanoid characters. I've also refine my emo/scene artstyle a bit. At least it's a bit better than what I was doing last year so there's that.
One more thing before I forget, I am working on updated designs for my OCs, including my main ones Shawn and Gummy!! :DD
((Gummy showed on top!! Shawn showed at the bottom!!))
The reason for this is because I'm planning on using them for a hug passion project of mine that I've been developing behind the scenes for almost 2 years and 6 - 10 months and I want to share with you all what I have in store!!! Even if current circumstances may get in the way of me accomplishing this goal, I still wanna do it anyways!!! Life is too short in wishing what I could have done and not enough ACTUAL DOING!!
I never want to waste that opportunity since now, more than ever have I ever been compelled to do this ^_^
Here's a lil peak on what I'm actually doing
btw this drawing is from last year so bare with me i know its old :PP
Anyways!! I must be off and hopefully NOT forget to do another update lmao XDD!! See ya soon!! :))
I'm glad that you think so. :))