Scenemo penguin doing art N sHeT!!!!!

Age 28, Non-Binary



Joined on 3/25/21

Exp Points:
1,316 / 1,350
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.35 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 19d

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Hey y'all!! I know it's been a while since I've done one of these blog updates (I think it's a given that I suck at making them but you know... I'm trying lol) and I really wanna share with you guys what's been going on with me these past few months...

First up: JOB UPDATES!!!!

Y'all will be happy to know that I finally managed to get a retail job at my local dollar store. I was so relived since I have been freaking out about doing my job interview and turns out the manager was chill and with what I could, I managed to pass the interview with flying colors. After being hired, I've spent the entire week going through the background check and the onboarding process and tomorrow, I will meet with my new manager to continue the rest of the process and will start my training next week. I will finally no longer have to struggle with my financial situation, at least for now. Which leads to my next subject....

Second update: ANIMATION START!!!!

Yeah you probably been seeing this for quite a while but I have been starting on doing some animation. I've posted my first short animation here a while ago and while it's not a masterpiece, I think I did ok for my first time. I still have a lot to go if I wanna improve but I think it's giving me a new opportunity to try even if I'm not doing it for professionally. Currently I'm doing another practice animation that if you've been following me here, you may already know what I'm referring to. I probably may not do much with it but I am invested in what I can do and where to go from there.

Examples can be seen here vvvvv

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least.....


I've been thinking of what's next for my art moving forward and I've been considering a lot of things that I would like to try. Not saying I wanna change my artstyle or anything but as an artist I'm always looking to finds ways I can improve my art skills. This past week I've been watching some art tutorials, looking up in pintrest for references, ideas and inspirations on what I would love to do with my art moving forward, as well hoping to accomplish a challenge that has plagued me for a few years now; BACKGROUNDS!!!!!

For years I've loathed doing any backgrounds and just opted to use textures I could find on the internet and/or images that I could just copy and paste and make them into a pattern for the background. However this time, I really wanna do backgrounds that aren't just preexisting images I found on the internet but one's I hand drawn myself. That's at least one of my goals I want to accomplish moving forward. As for comics, I've been debating on where I could post them aside from Newgrounds. I've thought about making a website for it so others can view them as I constantly update it but that would mean I would also start coding it and I have no clue on how coding works lol.

So in the meantime, I'm considering in opening a new Twitter account to host these comics separate from my main art twitter. I'll let y'all know when it's up and ready and I will certainly share the link with y'all when it's ready.

And with that, I'll leave y'all with a sneak peak of what I'm working on next....




Until the next update.... smell ya later :DDD


Available for Work

Emo Art Commissions!!! :DDDD



Finally ReOpening my Art Commissions again!! I'll be doing Emo styled/adjacent art inspired by the emo art of the early 2000s!!!

What will I be offering???



What will I be willing to do:

  • Humans
  • Furries
  • Fanart
  • OCs

What will I NOT be willing to do:

  • Characters with complicated designs
  • Zoo/Cub art
  • Loli/Shota art
  • Anti-Gay/Racist art
  • Scam Art aka (can you draw this for my son/daughter's birthday? [insert a random image of a dog] )

*Seriously if you end up doing option number 5, I will block you*

Terms of Service:

Paypal and CashApp are the only payment options I will be accepting for the time being. Always adhere to the price setlist I have provided. Any additional changes will depend on the number of characters in the art piece or the addition of a background/lack of background (only applicable on the MS Paint and My Style art pieces). Failure to do so will result in me denying my services.

Art pieces will take somewhere around 2 weeks after the initial payment has been made. Rough Sketches are shown first to clients before the full drawing can be finished. Clients can request some changes made to the sketch before the final drawing is completed. Payment is made upfront before the sketch can be finished. If somehow I failed to complete the drawing within 2 weeks (unless I become sick or have a family emergency), the money will be refunded.

Interested in some Emo styled artwork??? You can contact me in PMs on Newgrounds or DM me on

Twitter: @ashtonhaz96

Instagram: @ashtonhaz

and Discord: @ashtonhaz


Latest Playlists

Recent Game Medals

140 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Playah 50 Points

Play NG Stars

Remorse 5 Points

Sell a tower

Cannibal 5 Points

Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs

Curious 5 Points

Visit the creators' website

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

Welcome to the Village! 5 Points

Enter the village for the first time.


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game