lmao hallo again!! I know it's been a while since I last made a news post here. I've yet to still continually use this to post updates and what not now that Twitter is becoming more hollow and less user friendly. Hopefully I can manage to make that change as I get used to how this site works. Anyways.... to where I have been these past few months....
I have been busy at my day job (currently) and have been for over the past year and a half by now. It's become my only source of generating income for the time being with commissions here and there but that's only been a "once in a blue moon" moment. Either that or I just suck at promoting myself lol XD
Speaking of commissions, check out some of my latest commission pieces I've made
if you're interested in one click here!!
Also here's a bit of a WIP sneak peak of my next art piece :33
and that's all I have for now!! Smell ya later!! :D